Friday, February 10, 2012

Part 5: Other Amateur Radio logging software, vkcl

This is probably a good time to have a look at some of the other Amateur Radio logging software that is around.The plan was to have made some modifications to xlog, so that it could be used the John Moyle Field Day (in 2011). Unfortunately this won't be the case, so I'll be using vkcl. This has the added advantage of getting some experience with other logging software, and seeing what features are particular useful.
vkcl is MS Windows based software and is available as a free download from the authors website. It is regularly updated with additional code as the rules for the Australian Amature Radio contests change over time. The author has also included some international contests, as he wants to use the same software with the contests that he is involved in.
One of good thing about vkcl is that the help (via Windows Help File) is complete and the software has features which make it a real pleasure to use during contests.

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